WinSCP 5 .21.1 for Windows
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WinSCP 5 .21.1 for Windows

Download WinSCP 5 .21.1 for Windows

If you think that WinSCP is an application that you can write about at home, you will be more excited than its mobile counterpart. All the privileges of this open source file manager and wireless transfer tool become portable for any user to carry there. This means that it will be easier to transfer files between two computers, simply on the spot. No need to install or meet any other basic requirements.

Simple and easy to get design
The best part about this app, as in the installed version, is the interface. It is easy to understand which computer and what you have to transfer and where you have to paste the file for the action to start happening. One can manage multiple transfer sessions and any help one might need can easily be found in one of the many drop down sections in the top window bar. Portability basically means that it will save information in a configuration file instead of in registry keys.

Lots of jobs
One gets not only a wireless transfer tool or a file manager, but also a text editor for those last minute changes. Scripting features are also included for more advanced users. If you are keen on using PuTTY, you will be glad to know that this app shares information with the aforementioned app. The same goes for the authentication agent. In terms of transport protocols, one can make use of FTP, SFTP, SCP, WebDAV and S3 protocols, which are more than enough for any type of user.

Thus, whether you're transferring files wirelessly or not, you'll be glad to know that it can now also be achieved via a mobile app, which ultimately means spending less time configuring the right options or settings and more on actually transferring important files and documents between two or more computers.

Technical information about the program:
Title: WinSCP
File Name: WinSCP-5.21.1-Setup.exe
File size: 10.6 MB
Version: 5.21.1
Update date: June 25, 2022
Language: Supports multiple languages
License: Freeware
Developed by: WinSCP Team
Operation Requirements: Supports all versions of Windows

Download WinSCP 5 .21.1
